- Granny/Nanny: Every mother needs a helper. Whether that be a grandparent or a now and then baby sitter, or a nanny. If you don't have a relative near by who can help you out for free than find a baby sitter or nanny-NOW! At times we think we can make it on our own and try to cut corners (as in save money)- save your sanity and yourself by making this a priority! I have a girl who comes once or twice a week and then I can run errands on my own, with my infant and leave the toddlers at home (Even if it is only grocery shopping). I come home refreshed from having had a time of silence and we are all better off this way. You know the old saying, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
- Don't Do It All: For some reason we modern women often try to do things entirely on our own. We end up feel frustrated, frazzled and fed up! I don't know why it is so hard for us to accept help- whether paid or unpaid. But I advise you- put your pride aside and hire someone for that job that is never getting done at your house. For us this is someone to weed the garden- we love the idea of a garden and fresh produce. We can keep up with some of the yard work. BUT when it come to having a well weeded garden we just don't have the time. So, we have a girl who comes once or twice a week and weeds. She is happy to earn a little money and we are thrilled to have a perfectly weeded garden at least part of the time.
- You're Not the Only One: When we live secluded in our home bubbles, caught up in the fusses and fueds of a house full of kids we start getting some negative thoughts. You are not the only one who calls your Mom on some days just to tell her how your kids are driving you crazy and you could use some help. You are not the only one who on occasion just wants to hide in the bathroom while the children scream and fight. You are not the only one frustrated to tears at times about the selfishness and stubborness of your little ones. Take a moment, pray, remember that you can do "Everything through him who gives you strength, " and then re-enter this battle. Raising kids is tough- but you are not alone.
What are some things you can't live without as a Mom? Any advice for the rest of us?
These are so true...my kids are 12 and 15 now, but you are exactly right about needing time to yourself ad not making yourself crazy with trying to be perfect. I was lucky to have a great group of moms in an online support group with each of my kids. Made all the difference in the world.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment. I had never thought of having an online support group.